Damian Dunbar

Ajunct Professor

Damian Dunbar thoroughly enjoyed bringing his leadership expertise into the educational environment to share experiences and bring course work alive. Highly experienced in employee development and training, human resources, financial analysis, budget operations, personnel development, and training program management, Damian served the United States Army and as a government analyst. During his active duty, he served as an instructor, writer developer, and program evaluator at the United States Army Finance School located at Fort Jackson, SC. His experience, coupled with interest and passion for developing others’ talents and defining their own goals, is his primary motivation for working in education.

Dedicated to the learning, training, and advancement of others throughout his career, Damian has found ways to incorporate professional and adult learning and education into his work in each of his positions. His goal in the online classroom is to create a comfortable and interactive learning environment based on respect rather than fear of the subject matter. To achieve that, he builds a strong rapport with students to offer an environment conducive to the learning process. Likewise, communication is an essential key to an effective teaching and learning process in the academic setting.