Cheryl Ochodnicky

Adjunct Faculty

Cheryl Ochodnicky graduated from Oakland University in the fall of 1994 with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting.  After spending 2 years as a tax accountant, she accepted a position at Creative Solutions in Dexter, Mich.  This position combined her passion for technology with her accounting & tax aptitude.   Through organic growth and mergers, the company developed into what is today known as Thomson Reuters and has operations world-wide.   Cheryl has had many different roles, ranging from managing development of auditing and accounting software for CPA firms, to consulting and training those same firms on how to implement and use the software.   

In 2016, she left full-time employment and started working on a contract basis with Thomson Reuters, while completing her MBA from Michigan State University in 2017.  This change allowed her to pursue other opportunities, such as opening a small seasonal business in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and teaching courses at Cleary University.   Starting in 2017, her focus has been on teaching various financial and managerial accounting courses.   Cheryl is excited to teach and work with the many wonderful students at Cleary.  “The students are what I enjoy the most about teaching, specifically, getting to know so many bright and interesting students,” she says.  “They are going to do (and in some cases are already doing) amazing things!”