97% = Employment Rate

94% = Response Rate

The Graduate Outcome Report is assembled annually by Career Development Center in an effort to provide information to students, faculty, staff, administration, and the community about the first destination activities of our recent graduates. The 2016 – 2017 reporting year is July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017, therefore, any student cleared for graduation between these dates will be included in this report.

For the 2016 – 2017 reporting year, 143 Cleary University students graduated from a degree earning program (associate, bachelor and master degree programs).  Ninety-four percent (94%) of Cleary graduates responded to requests for information.  Of the 143 graduates, fifteen (15) or 11% continued their education and did not seek employment.  Nine (9) or 6% of the graduates did not respond to requests for information from the Career Development office and/or were not available for employment (self-declared) and were not continuing their education or in active military service.  The remaining number of graduates, one-hundred nineteen (119), were considered available for employment.  Of these 119 graduates, one-hundred sixteen (116) or 97% were employed and three (3) or 3% were available (actively seeking employment) at the end of the reporting year.

ProgramTotal Number of Graduates% Graduates Continuing Education% Graduates Unavailable for Employment% Graduates Employed% Employed Related
ABA, Accounting2100%0%NANA
ABA, Business875%0%100%*
ABA, Business Enterprise660%20%100%100%
BBA, Business Management303%10%96%*
BBA, Corporate Communications and Public Relations10%0%100%100%
BBA, Corporate Finance10%0%100%*
BBA, Entrepreneurship10%0%100%*
BBA, Executive BBA/Executive Management130%8%100%*
BBA, Health Care Management333%0%100%100%
BBA, Human Resource Mgt.20%0%100%100%
BBA, Interdisciplinary Studies100%1%89%*
BBA, Marketing and New Media70%0%100%*
BS, Accounting and Finance50%0%100%75%
BS, Corporate Accounting50%0%100%67%
BS, Corporate Finance20%0%100%*
BS, Interdisciplinary Studies10%100%NANA
BS, Pubic Accounting10%0%100%*
MBA, Financial Planning10%0%100%*
MBA, Analytics, Innovation and Technology80%12%100%60%
MBA, Global Leadership10%0%100%*
MBA, Health Care Leadership911%11%100%*
MBA, Management220%0%100%*
MBA, Organizational Leadership40%0%75%*

* Sample too small for valid statistical analysis

Graduate Employment Outcomes Document